
Education is the best key success in life

Fall 2024 Applications are open


Modern curriculum based on the highest training standards with unique clinical experience in oral and implant surgery

Live Clinical Training

A unique journey through clinical experience in the dynamic field of oral surgery


Designed for all dentists who want to improve their knowledge, confidence and profitability in various areas of dentistry

25 +

Years of experience

Our mission

A few words about our mission

To inspire dental surgeons to create “more with less” by using innovative minimal invasive biologically guided techniques and methods in daily dental practice so to offer to their patients pain and complications free treatments.

To offer to our students not only with theory but also with live training in real conditions the knowledge they need to make the correct diagnosis and treatment plan on their own and deal with complex cases in the best way possible and be led to become leaders in their field

Our courses

Our courses

PostGraduate Programs

Doctors performing surgery

Basic aim of this Master is to enhance your clinical skills and knowledge …

Basic aim of this Master is to enhance your clinical skills and knowledge …

Train dental practitioners into becoming top quality endodontitians …

Basic aim of this Master is to enhance your skills and knowledge in orthodontics

We ‘re UniWagro

We inspire

& create more with less


What our students say

Dr. Ausrine Poc.

Dr. Akis Alevizos

Dr. Alaa Abu Shareia

Dr. Trigkas Ioannis

Our Faculty

Passionate educators dedicated to nurturing minds and shaping futures. Discover their expertise and commitment to your child's academic journey.

Prof. Dr. Ioannis Georgakopoulos


Professor and Director Postgraduate Education

He is founding president of World Academy of Growth Factors & Stem Cells in Dentistry (WAGRO). He is president of the WAGRO University, USA. Greece

Prof. Dr. Angelo Cardarelli

DDS, MS, Ph.D.

University of San Raffaele, Milan, Italy

Author of many publications, Speaker in International Congresses on Implantology and Oral Surgery. Member of International Extraction Academy of California. Member of Global Scientific Dental Alliance in Dubai. Author of Book “Piezoelectric Surgery of Impacted Teeth“ EDRA Publisher 2020. Related training

Prof. Dr. Dong-Seok Sohn

DDS, MS, Ph.D.

Professor and Director Postgraduate Education

Chairman, Department of Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Medicine, Catholic University of Deagu, Republic of Korea. He is founding president of World Academy of Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Bone Surgery (WAUPS). He is Past President of ICOI asia-pacific section and founding president of ICOI. South Korea

Prof. Dr. Sinaniotis Efstathia

DDS, MS, Ph.D.

EKPA Dental School

Specialized in Periodontics and Implants University of Bern, Switzerland. Ph.D. Ludwig Maximilians University, German. Clinical Assistant at the International Advanced Dental Studies, Boston MA, USA, ITI Study Club Athens-Psychiko. Greece

Dr. Marco Tulio Alzaga Vega


University of Baja California

Former President, Colegio de Implantología Bucal de Baja Calofornia. Director, Global Dental Implant Academy. México

Prof. Eitan Mijiritsky

DMD, Dipl. - Prosth.

Tel-aviv University School of Dental Medicine

Teacher at the Post-Graduate Course of Oral Implantology at the Center of Oral Implantology, Hadassa Hospital, Dental School of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Israel

Dr. Dora Dailiana

MD, MS, Radiologist

Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Residency in Radiology: Ag.Sofia Children’s Hospital and Evangelismos Hospital, Athens, Greece. Radiology Dept of the Ohio State University Hospital, Columbus, Ohiο, USA Research Fellowship in Head - Neck Imaging and Neuroradiology in the Radiology Dept of the Ohio State University Hospital, Columbus, Ohiο, USA

Prof. Alaa AbuShareia


Tel-aviv University School of Dental Medicine

Doctorate in Science at European Institute of Management Technology -EIMT Master in oral surgery, Implantology and Periodontology at PgO - UCAM UniCamillus International Medical University New York University, Implantology. Slovakia

Prof. Giakis Ioannis


Tel-aviv University School of Dental Medicine

Implantology and Biomaterials, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki He has been the Secretary of the Dental Association of Thesprotia Teacher-Educator at the I.E.K. Igoumenitsa Dental Assistant specialty. Greece Greece

Dr. Andrianatos Nikolaos


University of Bari “Aldo Moro”

Master in Advanced Oral Surgery and Dental Implantology. Master in Aesthetic Medicine in Medical Sciences, UNIBARI Greece

Dr. Paola Pederzoli


University of Modena & Regio Emilia.

Aesthetic Medicine, Post-Universitary Center Bologna Masters in Facial Aesthetics. University of Bari “Aldo Moro” Member of Excellence in “Growing-Factors” and S.I.M.C.R.I. Tutor 1st level Master Roma’s University and at 2nd level Master Verona’s University.

Dr. Mpoukis Ioannis


University of Modena & Regio Emilia.

University of Bari “Aldo Moro” Master in Advanced Oral Surgery & Dental Implantology.
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