
/ Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR)


Guided Bone Regeneration

Director: Dr Ioannis Georgakopoulos

Program Overview

In recent years, more and more dentists are looking to use GBR techniques in oral and implant surgery as well as in periodontology.

It is a field in dental sciences that is not included in detail in the curriculum of many Undergraduate programs. The Market demand in this area is constantly growing as is the use of autologous and more products and other materials and techniques for this purpose.

This Certificate program offers online and live theoretical training from experienced tutors, as well as 4 modules of clinical training in this field. It offers learning opportunities on the overall use and application of GBR procedures.

Dentists will actively participate in the various treatments of cases in the clinic and will have the opportunity to bring their own patients who will be treated in the best way with the full help of experienced academics whilst at the same time have access to state-of-the-art medical equipment.

The program is aimed at dentists who are seeking to graduate from the course with excellent knowledge of Bone Regeneration techniques whilst using all the relevant advanced methods.
The tutors all of whom have a background in clinical applications and innovations, come from the best academic institutions, and are willing to share their pioneering knowledge with students.

Learning Objectives

Material Includes


1 Year




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