
/ Implantology, Periodontics and Tissue Regeneration


Implantology, Periodontics
and Tissue Regeneration

Director: Dr Ioannis Georgakopoulos

Program Overview

Basic aim of this Master is to enhance your clinical skills and knowledge relevant to your practice or interest in oral surgery and test yourself in the most difficult clinical cases.

The most important part of this master’s course is the large amount of clinical cases from simple to complicated and the continuous hands on clinical work on live patients during that time.

Students benefit from a comprehensive curriculum, opportunities for self-directed learning, a clinical laboratory techniques course, emphasis on integration of theoretical and practical aspects. The large number, as well as the variety of our clinical cases ensures that the level of your experience and skills will go beyond your expectations making your dental dreams come true.

Speaking of widen your horizons, UniWAGro is not only about dentistry, but is firmly committed to providing equality for all irrespective of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion or belief. We will work to ensure that all students, employees and visitors, as well as those who apply or seek to apply to the University, are treated fairly and are not subjected to discrimination by the University on any of these grounds.

Learning Objectives

Material Includes

Doctors performing surgery



1 Year


Master Degree


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